Located within Kotagiri town, Longwood forest, a pristine tropical evergreen forest is a secluded refuge for those seeking peace and quiet, it is home to the flying fox (a large arboreal squirrel) that is rarely seen, there is also a resident family of about 20 bison which can be seen grazing in the evenings just outside the forest on Milidhane road.
About 3 km from the town, the road proceeding towards the Badaga village of "Milidhane" branes off to Longwood Shola which is Forest Reserve.
A very primeval tract of wild enclave, the Shola provides a grand opportunity for bird-withers and a perfect rendezevous for serenity - seekers.
Rangaswamy Peak and Pillar: It is 20 kms from Kotagiri via Kil-Kotagiri. The conical peak exudes an exhilarating view of the wild yet harmonious semblance of the country lying around.
Topping 1785 m above MSL, the site is crucially sacred to the Irulas. North by West to the peak is a huge detached pillar of rock rising abruptly on all sides to a height of about 400 ft and is unclimable
Further ahead from Kotagiri you may move to the other renowned hill resorts of Ooty and Coonor. There are several tea plantations and estates that wrap Kotagiri.