Champaner-Parvagadh Archeological Park


Champaner-Parvagadh Archeological Park in Champaner represent a perfect blend of Hindu-Moslem architecture, mainly in the Great Mosque (Jami Masjid), which was a replica for later mosque architecture in India. This special style comes from the noteworthy period of regional sultanates. The Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park is an ideal example of a very short living Capital, making the best use of its setting, topography and natural features. It is quite exposed due to abandonment, forest takeover and modern life. The Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park in Champaner is a place of worship and continuous pilgrimage for Hindu believers.

The site was declared a world heritage site in 2004. Champaner Pavagadh Archeological Park, Champaner features a number of archaeological and historic sites that are yet to be excavated along with living cultural heritage structures. The sites comprises of a hill fortress of an early Hindu capital from the 16th century in the state of Gujarat complete with palaces, temples, residential precincts, agricultural structures and water installations. These structures belong to the period ranging from 8th to 14th centuries. Thousands of pilgrims visit the auspicious Kalikamata Temple atop the Pavagadh Hill to pay their homage to the Goddess. The site is quite imperative to study the pre-Mughal Islamic history, as it is the only complete city from that time that hasn't undergone any transformations later.