Tabo Monastery


A monastery that is next only to the Tholing Gompa in Tibet and is considered a historic treasure of India - that's Tabo Monastery. The Tabo Monastery in Spiti is a highly revered monatery for Budhists. The monastery dates back to 996 AD, and celebrated its millenium birthday in 1996. The temple complex is often visited by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The monastery, established in 996 AD, The Year of the Fire Ape by the Tibetan Calendar, by great teacher and translator Lotsawa Rinchen Tsang Po, is today more than thousand years old. It was developed as an advanced centre for learning and till date it has managed to preserve the Buddhist legacy with the same steadfastness.

The location of the Tabo Monastery adds to its charm. The monastery stands at a secluded, flat, barren ground occupying an area of 6300 sq km. High boundary wall of mud bricks surround it.

The Tabo Monastery is actually a complex, encompassiing many small Gompas, monasteries and temples. The world famous ancient monastery, located on the bank of river Spiti, offers a valuable window to Tibetan culture. There are a total of nine shrines, which were constructed and renovated between 10 th & l5th century AD. The most important amongst these shrine is Dukhung.