Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi


Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi in Mathura which means birth place of Krishna is a temple constructed on the birth place of Lord Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is held that Krishna the embodiment of Lord Vishnu was born in a prison cell that existed here in past times.

Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi in Mathura is supposed to have been built on the site where Lord Krishna was born in a cell of a prison. According to mythological records Krishna, the embodiment of Lord Vishnu, was born to Vasudeva and Devaki. Devaki was the sister of the king Kansa to whom divine prophesy revealed the 8th son of Vasudeva and Devaki will be the cause of his death. In an attempt to save himself he killed the first 7 children of the couple but eventually failed to do so with Krishna who was transferred safely to Gokul and later succeeded in putting an end to the life of the evil.

Hence it is at such an eventful and important site that the Mathura Shri Krishna Janmbhoomi was built. Not only this, it was many times destroyed during the rules of Mohammed Gazni, Sikander Lodi and Aurangzeb. Nevertheless, it has been restored every time.