Cane & Bamboo Craft of Mizoram

The traditional craft of the Mizos is the bamboo and the crane craft. The dexterity of the Mizos is best defined in the wickerwork and basketery. They have been put to multifarious uses from furniture items to commercial crafts. The canes are also used to make fine hats and beautiful baskets. A typical Mizo basket is broad at the rim a narrows at bottom. There are various baskets for various purposes like baskets for carrying firewood, water, paddy, rice and vegetables. Some forms of baskets made in Mizoram are dawrawn, empai, emping, tlamen, paikawng, hnam, paiem, fawng, thul, etc. Baskets of cane and bamboo are used for storing ornaments, clothes and other valuables. The three districs of Mizoram: Aizawl, Lunglei and Chimptuipui (Sailha) are the main producers of these traditional baskets and decorative articles.

Arts & Crafts