Zumum Palmar


Zumum Palmar located five km on hill-side from Kuriya Palmar, is a beautiful spot amidst natural scenery, lushgreen meadows and dense forests. Ziarat Sharief of Zen Shah Shaib is situated near this spot which is visited by a large number of devotees from the district. "Palmar is situated about 20 km from Kishtwar town. The famous spot on Palmar is also Kulna it is also known as Kashmir of Palmar. If Traveler tourist visit in Palmar they visit Kulna, Zumun, Balander, Newkond, Neelthot, Foaran is the remembering place of this area. We easily see Kishtwar town BhandarKot and Dool area in front of eyes from Foran you remembering every in life when you visit on these spots.