Leather Craft of Himachal Pradesh

Chamba district is famous for its leather-craft. The slippers made in Chamba are exceptionally comfortable and light. They are made of leather and are ideal for walking or hiking in the mountains. One can get them as plain or decorated in embroidered Lantana flowers, leaves and designs. New and different kinds of designs are used today to make decorative leather shoes, slippers, socks, belts, etc.

Traditional Chamba chappals (slippers), plain or embroidered, are exceptionally comfortable to wear.
They are embroidered with multicoloured threads – red, black, green, yellow and blue, and imitation zari (gold thread). Tourists seem to love them and this inspires craftspersons to experiment with patterns and designs.

Apart from chappals, you can also pick from a range of shoes, sandals, socks and belts.

Arts & Crafts